How to Prevent Obesity in Old Age

How to Prevent Obesity in Old Age
Obese seniors can lower their risk of developing life-threatening diseases by working with a medical expert to devise weight-loss routines. Proper hydration, a healthy diet, and regular exercise are just a few weight-loss strategies. We explore these practices in depth to promote healthy living.

For seniors, being obese or overweight can cause major health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. However, dramatic weight loss can result in the loss of lean muscle and physical strength. Engaging in weight loss activities at old age requires caution and planning.

Consult your physician

According to studies, overweight seniors put off visiting the doctor for routine health exams. Seniors who live alone or in rural areas with little access to medical care are particularly vulnerable. Encourage older loved ones to visit their doctor for a yearly checkup so they may learn more about their weight and health. With more than 60% of people aged 65 and up being overweight or obese, these sessions are crucial for preserving well-being as we age.

Maintain a healthy diet

Eating foods high in fibre, low in sugar and salt, and high in vitamins is essential for maintaining an active lifestyle. Eat at least three meals a day, with snacks in between, to keep your metabolism functioning properly. Additionally, in order to minimize overeating, it is best to eat slowly.

Breakfast is important

If you skip breakfast, you can become hungry later in the day when your energy levels diminish.  Rather than relying on just one or two large meals each day, eat breakfast every morning before so you can burn fat during the day. As a result, you will feel more alert and less sluggish during the day.

Create an exercise regimen

It is critical to engage in some form of exercise in order to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. That isn’t going to change as we age. However, we can take steps to ensure that our bodies work properly and that we feel better when we exercise. If you’re training for a half marathon, keep running.

Drink more water

Proper hydration is key to healthy living. It’s just as important when it comes to loss of weight in elderly. Drinking plenty of water makes you feel full and helps your body get rid of waste faster. You’ll notice some slight puffiness around your tummy if you drink at least eight glasses of water per day. If you’re having trouble hitting that target, try adding unsweetened iced tea or seltzer water—as long as they’re sugar- and calorie-free.

Use technology to assist you

When it comes to weight loss, technology can assist in a variety of ways. There are several web-based programmes available, and you can join online support groups. Dues are typically charged by these organizations, but if you’re on a low budget, you might be able to find one that is free.

Consult a dietician

Creating an eating routine that promotes weight loss while still sustaining your body can be difficult. A licensed dietician can help you figure out the best way to shed excess body fat without having to stick to a strict diet. A nutritionist can also assist you in losing weight by offering advice and support. Working with a nutritionist to lose weight can provide significantly greater results than tackling it alone, and it may also help you maintain your weight loss over time.

Reduce your reliance on convenience foods

Regularly eating convenience foods like fast food, candy, and processed snacks have been correlated to weight gain and may undermine your weight loss efforts. Convenience foods are high in calories but low in nutrients including protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. As a result, fast food and other processed foods are commonly referred to as “empty calories.” An excellent technique for losing weight is to eat less convenience foods and replace them with nutrient-dense whole foods in healthy meals and snacks.


Weight loss is a long-term process that might take months or even years to complete. Remember to be patient with yourself and to keep in mind that small things add up over time.

Want to learn more?

ConsidraCare’s live-in caregivers are trained to offer professional support to seniors, such as assisting them in their weight loss journey. Please reach out to us at or call us at 1-855-410-7971 to arrange care for a loved one.

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